Nelson Mandela? You can't be serious. Do you know anything about the ANC and such?
My family owned a large farm and some apartment rentals in South Africa before the apartheid ended. Fortunately, they foresaw what was inevitable and managed to sell off their real estate holdings and the farm before it ended. In the early 2000's they returned to SA to visit family and see how the new farm owners were faring. Sadly it didn't work out too well for the next owners who were also South African and decided to stay there. The farm was put back on the market and sat there for years as the market collapsed. Eventually, the state "acquired" the property through adverse possession as they claimed back taxes and other nonsensical lies. It was then planned to be turned into a community farm to feed the poor. Again, that didn't work out too well. The farm property is abandoned and I believe still sits desolate to this day.
As far as Mugabe, that low IQ imbecile who said in 2014 - "No whites can own land in Zimbabwe" and then changed his mind just one year later and is now begging white farmers to return- he can go to hell.
The last good leader or politician? JFK. And they killed him.